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Translation of the word: to treat

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  english    german
  to treat
  behandeln {vt}
  to treat
       freihalten {vt}
  to treat (as)
  betrachten {vt} (als)
  to treat a subject sympathetically
  ein Thema einfühlsam behandeln
  to treat in hospital
  stationär behandeln
  to treat sb. like dirt
  jdn. wie den letzten Dreck behandeln
  to treat sb. to sth.
  jdm. etw. spendieren
  to treat sb. with contempt
  jdn. mit Verachtung strafen
  to treat sb. with familiarity
  jdn. mit Vertraulichkeit behandeln
  to treat sb. with humanity
  jdn. human behandeln
  to treat sth. lightly
       not to take sth. seriously enough
  etw. auf die leichte Schulter nehmen [übtr.]
  to treat sth.-sb. with reverence
  etw.-jdn. ehrfürchtig behandeln
  to treat with resin
       to resinate
  harzen {vt} (Wein)
  to treat with respect
  rücksichtsvoll behandeln
  to treat
       to deal {dealt
       dealt} with (a topic)
  (ein Thema) abhandeln {vt}
  to treat
       to dress
       to process
       to separate
       to concentrate
       to beneficiate
       to cleanse
  aufbereiten {vt}
  to treat
       to finish
  (Stoff) ausrüsten
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